Friday, April 19, 2013

oh, the questions you'll hear

Babies. So small. So cute. And strangers must know every detail about them.

Pushing around a baby in a cart at the grocery store is like carrying a big blinking sign that says "please ask me all sorts of questions about my baby."

Pushing around 2 babies in the same cart makes this invisible sign even bigger and blinkier.

I must share a couple of recent questions that rather amused me:

"Are they both yours?"
My answer- Yes.
The sarcastic answer I thought of later- Um, no. One of the twins is mine and the other is my husband's ...

"Which one is older?" 
I can see how this question makes sense in the head of the questioner, but it can rather confuse the questionee. When we were asked this question, I was prepared to answer that Brayden is 41 minutes older, as I believe that is what this person wanted to know.
However, Nate got his response out first, which was, "..... They're twins ......"
(like duh, they're the same age, don't ya know?)
Next time, maybe we'll respond, "It's hard to tell, but Brayden is actually 3 years older!"

I braved my first grocery shopping trip solo with the boys a couple days ago. It went better than expected!! They were excellent little sports. I managed to place both carseats in one cart and fill in groceries around them. After checkout, I simultaneously pushed 2 carts out to the vehicle - one that had the boys and the other full of the bagged groceries.
I probably won't make an extreme habit of doing this trip by myself with the twins as long as Grandma Lora offers to babies-sit, but it was a confidence-boosting adventure and now I know it's possible!

Next time I go with the twins though, I'm going to take my grocery list in one hand and a list of already-prepared answers in my other hand in readiness for any bizarre questions I may be asked.

~ recent pics ~

4 months!!!

lunch date at Noodles & Co

We get to go to Target!!!!!

... too much Target

Mom, Nate, & I took the boys and Kayman to the walking bridge!
A little dark and chilly but fun :)

double drive thru

Nate's mini-me

first mohawk!! *heehee*

tummy time! this little dude rolled over for the first time last week - tummy to back

this guy hasn't rolled yet but is getting pretty close!

both boys had pretty nasty colds recently -
Brayden looks pretty sick and tired of it!

this bouncer is for playing, you say? silly people, it's clearly for sleeping!

B holding his own bottle!!

C reading a Clifford story to daddy

We went to MN last weekend, and this is my friend Amanda's little 2 & 1/2 year old niece feeding a bottle to B!

Yep, we're being good mom!

snuggling with his monkey ear :):)

nom nom


  1. hahaha love the pictures. soooo cute:) squeeze them for me!!

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your fun with us! Can NOT wait to meet these guys. Uncle Stephen thinks "there is trouble ahead" :-)

  3. Fun memories! Had to chuckle while reading/looking @ cute pics!! Missing those boys very much.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I could relate and laughed out loud often to your grocery adventure. I have "OH he is sooooooo sweet, how old is he?" thrown at me EVERYWHERE I GO. Can I just be normal. This gives us an idea of how celebrities feel. What cracked me up is when I was 8-9 months pregnant I was asked in the check-out line, by a man while his wife was standing by, "when are you due?" and "do you know what it is?". All of this by just assuming I am pregnant and don't have a tumor growing in my belly. I wanted so bad to use the tumor scenario so bad when they asked me point blank, "are you expecting?". Yes, I am expecting to die in a few months the doctor says. The tumor could not be removed". Anyway enjoyed your post. Made my day. Also the picture of them in their bumbo seats with the play floor mat is probably my favorite especially with the description.

  6. It was so fun to read all of this as I haven't searched out much news on these little guys and your situation. Wow! All of you are really growing. I love it!! A BEtte Lu

  7. Love the pictures!! And your comments. You go mamma! :) Missing you all! Can't believe how much they are growing up. :) I'll try not to be the annoying person that comments on cute babies in stories anymore. ;)
