Saturday, February 16, 2013

supermom in training

Superman is known for being bulletproof, having x-ray vision, and the ability to fly.

What's the difference between superman and supermom?
Not much.

Supermom is spit-up proof, has eagle-eye vision, and can fly around the house at the speed of light. And if she's lucky, she showers daily.

I've been very fortunate to have so much help these past (almost) 11 weeks since the twins were born. I must admit, I knew next to nothing about newborns/babies prior to having these little guys. I had changed one diaper in my entire life, which was my niece's, which was a horrible experience ... she cried the whole time. Basically everything to do with newborns made me really nervous. So then we went and had TWO babies of our own.

I had some things to learn.

By listening carefully to all the advice, suggestions, and do's & don'ts, I've slowly but surely become comfortable with taking care of these fragile, wriggly little things. And this past week brought a new milestone ... taking care of them all on my own!! It was a lot of fun when it was just the boys and me, but whewww-eeee was it exhausting! Thanks to having Grandma Lora only a hop, skip, and jump away, I got breaks throughout the week. And mom was here again this week! But at least now I know I can do it on my own when it happens.

I also got seven 4-oz bags of breast milk in the freezer. TOOT. Sorry, I'm done.. just had to toot my horn a little bit. With the roller coaster that breastfeeding twins has been, it was a huge accomplishment for me!

I'm not the only "superhero in training" around here. It takes a special man to be a twin dad, and the munchkins are little troopers too! We're all in this together!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

more 2 love

"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul;
that makes us reach for more,
that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds"

Valentine's Day this year was extra special with our 2 new little love bugs. They sure do make my heart swell up with love every day!! The 5 of us (Nate, me, B, C, and Gram) went 5 miles over the river and through the woods to Gma & Gpa Stidolph's house for a delightful candlelit Valentine's Day dinner this evening. B & C cooed and smiled lots, melting everyone's hearts. I do believe this is only the beginning of these little guys being heartbreakers!

We hope you all had a happy heart day and got to spend it with those you love!!