Monday, November 19, 2012

Nate's Post

Hello Everyone,
  I finally got Stacy some fast reliable internet and decided to try it out first.  It downloaded all these pictures in under 10 minutes...So you will see a lot more posts from her in the future!  Sorry it's taken so long!  It's my turn to step in and fill you in on our journey together...that's an understatement!  So are we having twins?  Someone needs to tell me how and when it's going to finally hit me~  Don't get me wrong, we are doing everything we can to get ready for these little buggers, but twins??? Nate and Stacy are having TWINS???? I would have never thunkened it! We find out after the fact that there are actually twins in our family!  I can't count how many people have told us the sleep horrors of having twins and everything that goes along with that stuff.  Yes STUFF! You all are reading this and thinking..."oh you just wait!!!"  Anyway, put that all aside- I can't wait for my two boys to join Stacy and I on a new journey!  It has been so fun getting ready for them to arrive.  It's to the point where I have dreams about what they look like and how they will interact.  But I couldn't have picked a better situation to be in.  Stacy has done unbelievably well during her just gained some weight is all! I am finding out that is not unusual!  I'm glad I can join the club.  The house is where I want it to be before the boys come.  We got the smoke smell out, walls painted, baby room decorated, baby things put together, and basement remodeled to where I want it by Thanksgiving! We are excited to have the WHOLE immediate Spencer family for Thanksgiving!!! I wish the twins were already here for the convenience of everyone being here, but I understand their patience.  Well, I need to get ready for the workers coming tomorrow night as well as Rob and Ruth.  Ryan and Amy are coming Wed. night and Eric and Jen are coming Wed. night or Thursday. Stacy said she will blog tomorrow so I will hold her to it.  She has no excuse now!  She has to tell you about her new kittens, baby shower, finishing the baby room, and other things she hasn't touched on! Thanks for checking in on us and have a great week!  -Nate
Kayman is the looking me in the eyes!  He is getting up to 115 lbs @ 8 Months

He decided to destroy the decorative square hay bale we had on the entryway.  The hay is now everywhere!!!

Fits Perfectly!!! Started to install the second one when we noticed all kinds of scratches and scuffs...Thanks to mom, she took it back for an exchange!  

Stacy's birthday present! I might actually use it more- it is on my side of the bed!

I had to do this to make it real!  Stacy freaked out when she looked in the back seat.  

Taking down the ugly border...3 borders to be exact.  What were the previous owners thinking?  One for each season?!

I got grief from mom about this..."What? Its Stacy's platform?!" 

Insulating his doghouse! He doesn't come out now!  

Basement before remodel!  What a mess!!!

Bathroom before remodel!!! Yikes...
Finally after 5 months we have security!  Hung up blinds in the whole house.  Makes a huge difference!

Starting on the framing.

Finishing the framing for the basement utility room, bathroom, extra bedroom, and entertainment center!

Finally Finished

The new basement supported 15 guys for the bonfire get-together!

Stacy working on the Iowa State room...Border finally removed!!!

Mom...I mean, Grandma assisting in painting the Iowa State mud room!  
This is the first of 3 panels of my model that I have been working on.  It will hang down from the ceiling so the boys can look up from their beds and see their favorite safari animals walking to the marsh for some water.  Each animal has  a mom and it's two babies.  There are elephants, african antelope, zebra, water buffalo, hippos, crocodiles, ring-tailed lemurs, gorillas, and the whole cat family.  There are lights that shine up through the model on the animals' faces that the kids will see when it is dark.  The marsh is made up of glass pebbles and lights shine up through them to illuminate the whole marsh at night.  You can see the hippos and crocodile wading nearby.  Hopefully I used enough adhesive and glue so it can be a success!


  1. Whoa you've been busy! Your model is amazing, what a great idea.

    I can't believe how big your "puppy" has gotten! Thats a pretty deluxe dog house, I think you could go into business just building those and selling them.

    Please tell me Stacy didn't stand on those boards.....yikes! :)

    So glad you guys will be blogging more, love seeing what you are up to. Can't wait till the babies arrive and make their appearance on the blog as well!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Great post Nate! Was fun to read your perspective on all this baby-stuff. : ) Was even better to visit you guys and see your home! Keep up the posts!

  3. Loved the post Nate! I agree with Amanda that it was fun to see your side as well & the changes you've made since we've been there:) Can't wait to meet those boys of yours!! I'm hoping for your birthday or mine;)

  4. Thanks for the update--you have been busy and yes, you will be busy! But like I told Stacy, keep your senses of humor and all will go fine!
