Tuesday, August 28, 2012

baby boom of the 21st century

Nate & I had the privilege of being at Brownstown, IL convention this past weekend. It was so wonderful to get there again and catch up with many people that we haven't seen for awhile!

With four other couples who are expecting, and some families with new little ones, nearly 99% of the conversation between mtgs revolved around "babies." Usually this is a topic I tune in and out of. Now expecting babies of our own, Nate & I commented on our way home that we had no idea we'd ever enjoy talking about it so much. In the past, I've always looked at the group of pregnant ladies and families with babies as being SOO old ... and now it's us! But that's ok, I will take feeling old if it means being so excited for everyone as they start their little families. I just wish we didn't all live so far away from one another but it will be fun to get together from time to time and have play dates :)

It was really nice to see Eric Jen Ryker & Alivia there but we really missed mom & dad and Ryan Amy Lara & Calliegh. It was strange not to take a family picture Sun. morning with the whole clan! 

I was talking with Talisha Bloemker a little bit at Btown, and she put it perfectly when she asked me if it felt like there was an octopus inside of me. Yes, yes it does... the 8 limbs are constantly squirming!! I remember being so excited to feel the first obvious kick when sitting in the airport in Knoxville, TN. Now it feels like there is a party in my tummy every day! I've heard that these next few weeks might be when I feel the most movement. They won't have as much space to roam around towards the end, so I say that they are claiming their space right now. This got me to thinking about the types of movement that I have felt so far in my pregnancy and I've divided them into 5 separate categories.

The 5 types of movement:

1) the kick- like someone putting their pointer finger behind their thumb and then releasing to give you a swift flick (from the inside) ... sometimes it's so strong it makes me jump a little

2) the flutter- literally like someone tickling you on the inside, which often makes me giggle out loud

3) the tightening- usually my tummy has some bouyancy to it, but there are times when one of them sneaks to the belly button area (maybe curling up?) and makes it really, really hard to the touch, like a basketball. It's only for a minute and then he lets my tummy go right back to it's former semi-squishy state

4) the roll over- this feels similar to the twisting and turning of feeling sick to your stomach. However, it doesn't come with nausea or result in running to the bathroom, unless one of them finds my bladder in the meantime

5) bouncing baby boys- I'm pretty sure one of them turned his placenta into a trampoline and invited his brother over to play this morning. I awoke to the most movement I had ever felt. I just laid there and watched the left side of my tummy jump and jiggle

*Update on the growth of George & Harry:
24 weeks, measuring at last week's appt. at 1 lb 6 oz each

Brownstown, IL conv 2012

Nate & I (due Dec. 15th), Brad & Kalee (due Oct. 27th),
Craig & Kenna, Addison (almost 2 months), Marty & Beth, Zoey (5.5 months)

The ladies:
Amanda, Lauren, Me, Kalee, Kenna, and Beth
We are showing the progression of motherhood: pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy


  1. Oh, Stacy - LOL and Boo-Hoo!! You had me both laughing and wiping my eyes as I read this post. It certainly didn't seem right not being at Btown with everyone last week. I, too, thought of not being there for the "Sun a.m. trying to get everyone together for a picture" scene! But hopefully we can all be together soon after the boys are born and get a pic with the newest additions, too. The LOL was while reading your movement descriptions - hee-hee! Love your writing ~ Mom ~

  2. Thanks for sharing this special, "moving" time in your life!

  3. Goodness - and I thought I had an octopus in my belly with Darla - can only imagine all the parties going on in yours. It's so fun to think of them so happy living in such utopia trying to get ready to face the world.
