Monday, July 16, 2012


Double trouble. Twice blessed. Twinadoes ...

However you want to put it, we're expecting twins!!

We're thoroughly excited and can't wait to meet the little peanuts! Yes, it's a tad overwhelming. And no, we don't feel prepared. Someone else must have felt the way I'm feeling right now when they said, "There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: Twins." We know it's going to be a bit crazy and a lot of work at times, but wouldn't want it any other way. We'll try to prepare to a certain point and then will just learn as we go!

While full-term labor is 40 weeks, I've been told that twins usually arrive around 36 weeks, thus putting me at the halfway point. I just reached 18 weeks and consider myself half-baked. You know how when you're baking goodies in the oven, like cookies or brownies, and when they're about halfway done they look squishy and you just want to poke them? Well that's how I feel. I'm at that stage where I'm showing but it's not obvious. I've noticed people glance at my belly but not feel like they can say anything because they're not sure if I'm really preggers or not. Nate and I, and others who see me often, can definitely tell that I'm poking out, but to someone who doesn't know me, I just look pudgy ... or to stay with the theme, like a squishy biscuit. I'm sure when I'm nearing my due date, I'm going to look and feel like I'm twice baked. Kind of like when that aforementioned biscuit stays in the oven too long and gets puffed up so big it looks like it's going to explode.

It was life-changing to find out that we were expecting, but wow, what an experience to receive the news that we're expecting ... two! I wish I could put it into words ... it was so many emotions at once! Fortunately, Nate was there with me for the first ultrasound when I was only 6 weeks along, so we were able to see each other's genuine reactions to the shocking news. His eyes got as big as saucers, jaw dropped to the floor, and I started crying of course! It was SO fun to tell family and friends. It only happens once that you get to tell people that you're pregnant with twins for the first time, so we came up with quite a few creative ways of breaking the news! One of my favorites was taking a red fabric pen to a plain white onesie and writing "If you think I'm cute, you should see my ..." on the front and "TWIN" on the back. Watching people's reactions to flipping over that onesie were priceless!

My 40-week due date is December 15th, and 36 weeks is November 17, so if all goes well, they'll probably arrive somewhere within that month's time.

We'll get to find out genders at our ultrasound next week, so we'll be putting our heads together once again for creative ways of letting people know what they are! :)

Here are some pictures that were taken during my ultrasound when I was almost 14 weeks.

~Baby A~

~Baby B~

~A & B together (tops of heads - separate sacs)~

~18 weeks~

And to sum up, here's a quote about twins that I thought was absolutely adorable:

Twenty fingers, twenty toes,
Plenty of work we soon will know,
Four little arms to hold so tight,
Four little cheeks to kiss goodnight.


  1. Such excitement! Thanks for sharing your life!

  2. Sweetness. Anxious to hear next week's news!!!!

  3. It'll be sooo nice to catch little glimpses of you guys on here since we're far away. Thanks for posting!

  4. Stacy, So glad I found your blog! Will be GREAT to keep up with you! Please keep posting!!
