Friday, January 31, 2014

'sick' of winter

If it's not one thing ...

then it's vomiting.

Just when we think the boys are finally doing better, they turn around and get sick again! They've had quite the rough go of it this winter. First it was a cold. That settled into a nasty cough. The nasty cough lasted for nearly a month. There was one very nice week when the coughs were dwindling and a healthy future seemed to be on the horizon. And that's when the stomach flu hit our house.

I feel so sorry for them when they get sick like that because they can't tell us how they feel, and it's hard to know just what they need to feel better. So it's lots of checking temperatures, giving tylenol, and snuggling. Oh the snuggling ... it's the only enjoyable part of the boys being sick.

The following is what I had posted on Facebook during the week of the stomach flu:

"We were still up last night when we heard Brayden crying from his crib. He didn't cry very long and was quiet by the time I got to his door, but I decided to go in and check on him anyways.

I walked into their room and was hit by an overwhelming smell that caused me to wonder when the diaper genie had last been changed. One more sniff and I realized that wasn't diaper stink... that was vomit stink. I looked in Brayden's crib and sure enough, he was sitting up holding a puke-drenched lovey and looking extremely confused as to why he had acquired a new foul-smelling hair gel.

I was so concerned with getting him bathed and everything washed up that I hadn't even thought to check on Cooper until Nate said, "Hey did you see that there's a pile of vomit in Cooper's crib too?" 
Apparently Cooper had finished his throwing up business and went right back to sleep without bothering to let us know.

It's not until one of them gets sick that they truly demonstrate the art of 'sharing' ... they've already generously shared their illness with their daddy, now if I can just steer clear this one!

Hoping they all feel better soon."

All 3 boys are feeling better now, and somehow (luck?) I was able to avoid it! Nate actually had two bouts of the stomach flu this winter ... hoping there's not a '3rd time's the charm' for him around the corner. At the mention of sick babies, Gramma Lora crosses the river with homemade chicken noodle soup, even when it means walking right into it and paying the price by getting sick herself.

Hoping for healthier (and warmer!!) days in the near future - spring can't come soon enough in my opinion!

All that nasty throwing up business calls for some teeth-brushing!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yuck, the stomach flu! So sorry that you're up to your neck in vomit, Stacey, but I'm glad that Grandma Lora is there to help. We Stidolphs seem to be subject to viruses and flu and cold bugs that go 'round and 'round, but maybe adding a bit of genes from the Spencers and the Nutts, we get on top of all those bugs that go floating around!
