Sunday, July 28, 2013

world of discovery

Hey everybody! Cooper and Brayden here. Dad has written the last 3 blog posts and mom is still recuperating from the hectic summer thus far, so we decided it's our turn! We're very sorry to keep you waiting for over a month now on a fresh posting. We'll try to do better at keeping on mom about staying up-to-date with the blog!!

We've been discovering just so many things these past few months that we felt the need to share our point of view.

1) We've noticed that we have these cute little things on the end of our feet that are pretty fun to play with. They're very nibbly, for both us and for our parents!

2) We also came across these weird rubbery things on both sides our heads ... apparently they're called "ears." We're not sure what they're for yet, but they're fun to pull on! So stay tuned.

3) Then there's these things they keep sticking in our mouths...??? We believe it's either called a "shhhhh" ...... or maybe a "pacifier?" Everytime they shove these things in our mouths, we hear one of those two words. Sometimes both.

4) Diapers. These can get squishy in a real hurry. Both mom and the diaper genie can't seem to keep up. As you can see in a picture below, Brayden was considering trying his own diaper change. The very next picture shows that it didn't turn out quite right!

5) Sitting up and playing with our toys is SO much easier. Wish someone would've told us waaay sooner. It leads us to believe that there also might be an easier way to get around the house, too, rather than being toted around all the time. We've been trying out some different things ... rolling can get us from point A to point B pretty quickly, but Brayden just found out there's something called "crawling" that may be even quicker. The only problem is, it seems he can only go backwards. Sooo, we're still working on that one.

6) The spoon. It's this thing that delivers all sorts of deliciousness! It can also be used for a chew toy when dinner time is over. Plain awesome.

On a side note, the milk truck stopped delivering. We now get bottles with this substance called "formula." The switch was pretty easy. And mom seems to be less stressed since it happened, so we'll call it a win-win.

Here are some pictures to document our recent discoveries.
Read the captions to find out what we're thinking in these pictures!

* squish squish *
"this seems like it needs changed ... maybe I can do it myself"

"is this how it goes, Mom??"

"ummm, don't you guys put your dirty dishes in this same sink you're bathing me in? ...gross."

"is this water gonna come out any faster?"

"here ya go, Mom. I won't be needing this today. I'd rather be shirtless"

"yeah. me too."

*pulling out pieces of a pop-up book and tasting octopus for the first time*

"I really hope mom doesn't catch me eating my book"

C: "did you guys really just feed us bananas??"
B: "I think I'm going to be sick.."

"... you forgot to feed me"

"They fed me twice!!"

"don't worry, dad .. I'm keeping it at an arms-length!"

*boing boing*
"hee hee! It's a girl!! hee hee!"


We decided to throw in some older pics that go along with our "discovery" theme -
Here they are!

"being surrounded by toys in this exersaucer is fun, but I'd prefer just to fiddle with this small tag"

"oooooh, a TAAAG"

*examining pacifier*
"How on earth does this thing keep putting me to sleep???"

"HELP! I'm covered in toys!! ... Errr, never mind. It's not so bad."

"I'm going to play peek-a-boo with you ... ready?!?"

"heh-heh I'm so good at peek-a-boo!"


  1. So nice to hear from you boys!
    Hugs, Auntie Anna

  2. Boys, you are just the cutest! And so smart - thanks for sharing your discoveries with this too-far-away-auntie. Have lots of fun getting into things and making your mamma and dad go crazy... er happy. ;) I hear pulling stuff out of the cupboards is a lot of fun. Oh and blowing bubbles with baby food! - Parents love that.

    I'll be sure to come and teach you a few tricks in a couple weeks! Can't wait to see you!

  3. Hello, I've been waiting and waiting for another set of pictures and finally there's a new posting. Thanks! Oh, they're both really getting such little personalities now, aren't they. I'm grateful for this blog so I can follow from afar! Aunt Ronda

  4. Wonderful to hear from you, B & C!! We miss you very much, so it's really sweet of you to share these pictures and show us what you've been up to. Gram really had to chuckle at the pics of B getting no food and C getting fed twice!!

  5. Ha Ha...thanks for the giggles and grins today...they are darling! and growing so wonderfully...sounds like you are all doing great! : )

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your fun times--growing, learning, loving!
