Wednesday, December 12, 2012


In honor of 12/12/2012, I wanted to post a dozen pictures!
The recent arrival of Brayden & Cooper has made me rather picture happy, so posting a dozen is only getting me started. More to come with the next post! :)

now a family of 4 - pic taken after Sunday morning mtg 12/9
(they slept right thru and didn't make a peep! .. except Brayden's hiccups, of course)

Cooper doing the hula on their "surf" play mat

too cute
(which one is which? Cooper on left, Brayden on right)

the grandmas positioning the boys yet once again for pics in their coordinating Sunday outfits :)

Cooper striking a James Bond pose

the little monkeys fast asleep in their jungle crib
(Brayden left, Cooper right)

daddy, concentrating very hard after being hosed by Cooper.
most of it hit the couch as you can see ... thank goodness for easy-cleaning microfiber!

not to be left behind, Brayden took Gram by surprise by hosing down the couch too!

I call this face the milk-atose :)

and this face is another version of the milk-atose ...
I think this yawn is as big as it can possibly go!

20 little baby toes

we tied off our first diaper genie bag!!! the box says the diaper genie can hold up to 270 diapers at a time. this bag is after only 7 days and a lot of the diapers were just thrown in the regular trash can! what do you think ... did we fit 270 in that bag?? ;)


  1. Stacy!
    1. You look phenomenal. I cannot believe you had 2 six lb babies in that stomach a week and a half ago and now you look like that.
    2. These boys are amazing and adorable! Am i right in thinking that Brayden looks more like you and Cooper looks more like Nate?
    3. This post gave me an awesome idea for a gift and now I need your address please. Can you text me it please & thanks? :)
    4. I love your blog so much.

  2. Congratulations on your beautiful twin baby boys. Our son Rodney was over there for Chet's get together not so long ago, he clued us in on the pending arrival of your babies, and now to have discovered your blog is a real treat!! So glad your babies are doing so fabulously ... your birth story is so similar to my sister and her twins....a seven pounder, and an 8 pounder and both boys and one born natural and one born C. You are in for SO MUCH FUN! She always said the fun began after the first three months were over!

  3. Oh my two are too much. Great pics! You seem to be doing amazingly well on this new adventure. Thanks for letting us see parts of it through your blog!

  4. You are going to have to get some pee pee tee pees. They are adorable - so happy everything is going great.

  5. Stacy, you look great, not at all Milk-atose! Nathan, you look like this diaper business is going to get the best of you. And Brayden and Cooper, you're the cutest, the best, and most well behaved, and the best hiccupers.

    Aunt Ronda

  6. How fun to discover your blog. Your babies are adorable!
