Monday, November 4, 2013

11 months & 1 day

I guess it's time to start planning a first birthday party for these boys! The one-year mark is just around the corner now. In some ways, I can't believe they're eleven months old and it seems that time is going by so fast. In other ways, it's completely believable. It's been one crazy jam-packed on-the-go year, and also I hear that the first year of twins is the most challenging. So I'm excited to put it under our belts and move forward!

I'm anxious to see what this eleventh month brings. It very well could bring a couple of tiny tots walking in two different directions, just to keep Mommy and Daddy even more on their toes. They seem to be getting really close!! They pull up and walk around furniture effortlessly now. Brayden has stood on his own for several seconds at a time. They race their walkers all over the living room. It can't be long now, which is both thrilling and nerve-wracking at the same time! I'll definitely be posting when it happens!

FaceTime with Papa & Gram in TN
the morning of turning 11 months

11 month chair photo
thanks to auntie Amy for the cute new shirts!

they sure didn't sit still in the chair for very long for this month's photo ... things to explore!

we might have to start taking their chair photos from this angle!

1 comment:

  1. The cuteness just keeps increasing! Was very special to "see" them Sunday. Hugs from us!!
