Saturday, July 28, 2012

saying goodbye

18 years hold quite a few memories. Especially when you're only 23.

Ever since my parents put their house on the market a little over a year ago, I've been constantly asking myself the question, "How am I ever going to be able to say goodbye to this place?"

I've been at mom and dad's since Tuesday to be here one last time and help with packing, cleaning, and such, and we're leaving tomorrow to make the trip with the last trailer of stuff. So with tomorrow being my last day here, it has finally come time to say a final goodbye. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to deal with that. I've always been the sentimental type and am really not a fan of change. It has helped, though, that I've had plenty of time to think about it, and I'm happy for them in their move to the Knoxville, TN convention grounds. I just wish it wasn't 12 hours away from us!

I loved my childhood. Mom and dad's house ... the area ... the friends. Seeing the house empty out has caused me to think back quite a bit, and I'm thankful that it was all so wonderful. In one way, those wonderful memories make it harder to accept their move since I feel like I've tied a lot of special times to their house. In another way, I'm glad that I can take away good memories from the place and know that the years were well-spent. As I grow older, I also grow in appreciation for my upbringing and the privileges I had when I was younger. I can now understand that the house was just a temporary dwelling place, yet I can forever hold special thoughts and memories within my heart.

Even after getting married and moving out, coming back to mom and dad's from time to time still felt like "going home." It's been interesting to hear others express what the place has meant to them, too. Their house was a "home" to many. I've enjoyed hearing different people share their memories of being here through the years. Many potlucks... many get-togethers. It's exciting that mom and dad will be building a new house and many new memories will be in the making through the coming years. I know that going to see them in TN will feel like "going home" because that is where mom and dad are.

I'm glad that endings lead to new beginnings. Although it is my "last" time here, and my "last" time to do this and that, like skipping up the stairs with my sister while singing silly songs (a little insight to a secret of ours), it is also the "first" time that I will get to visit my parents' new home in TN, and it will be the "first" place that my little boys will know as Papa & Gram's.

Amy & her girls came earlier this week. I didn't get Lara in the picture because she was standing next to me, being quite the little miss photographer with Gram's camera.

I will miss you, house! You was a good one :)


  1. That was so sweet Stacy, thanks for sharing and I agree that our family too shared much love and laughter in that home. But it's true memories can be taken with us wherever we go and it's the people we are with while we are living life that make our memories!

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I knew the change would be a tough one, but good to look forward to more great times--just in a different house. I always felt at home in this house and I'm sure that I also will in your parent's next house.

  3. We are so much going to appreciate having your parents down here. Know they will fill another useful place. Can't believe that they were there for 18 yrs. Seems like yesterday you were born and living in Belvidere, you probably barely remember it. I can't be getting old! Looking forward to seeing you and your family.
